Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Mich.
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Before The Snow Flies — John Wemlinger

Before The Snow Flies — John Wemlinger


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Book description:


A wounded vet returns home
His high-school sweetheart has never left
A secret looms large between them
In a small town that doesn’t like secrets

Major David Keller was well on his way to becoming a general when a roadside bomb in Afghanistan took his legs. Angry, grieving, and carrying a loaded gun, David returns home to mend a few fences before using that gun to end his life. But before the snow flies, his family, his community and Maggie McCall, someone he tried to forget, will prove to him that life in the small town of Onekama, Michigan, can be great once again — if he will only let it ... and if murder doesn’t get in the way.

  • FICTION / Romance / Military
  • 316 pages
  • 6 x 9 inches
  • ISBN: 978-1-943338-17-7 (Softcover)
  • Retail price: $16.95

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