Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Mich.
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In The Slanted Light: A Collection of Poems - Thomas Hooker

In The Slanted Light: A Collection of Poems - Thomas Hooker


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Book description:

In the Slanted Light offers insightful and poignant perspectives on the world with layered reflections of life, loss and the fleeting experience of time. Some poems reflect a sense of profound meaning that we find in a lifetime of moments.

The book has earned the Award of Literary Excellence from Dog Ear Publishing.

“This is a lovely book. The author drew me into his imagery, rhythms and experiences. So much beauty expressed in so few words.” — Peggy Everett, Dog Ear Publishing editor

Writing the books of poetry has been Thomas Hooker's focus since he retired. “The reason I probably write so much about nature is that I’m a retired geologist and chemist, and I love nature and the outdoors,” he said. “I’d love for my poetry to help open the reader to directly experience the presence and aesthetics of the natural world.”

His other books of poems are “Silent Woods: Beyond the Blue Door” and “The Catcher: Shadows to Light.” He also wrote “The Last Ice Age and the Leelanau Peninsula: Pleistocene and Lake Michigan.”

Hooker writes nearly every day and described his biggest challenge as “what to put in and what to leave out.”

He is drawn to poetry thanks to his decades of experience writing songs. “I’ve written over 300 songs over 40-plus years, and poetry is similar but also very different. Poetry is more freeing and less structured than songwriting, and so it gives me more flexibility in painting a picture.”

When writing songs, Hooker not only creates the lyrics but also the music. “I helped put myself through college playing little pubs in the Pennsylvania area. I’ve played down there quite a few times over the years,” he said.

Hooker and his wife Kristen divide their time between Fort Worth, Texas, and Northport, Michigan.

In the Slanted Light
Retail price $14.95, wholesale $8.97
Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing LLC (June 24, 2018)
156 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1457564297
ISBN-13: 978-1457564291
Product dimensions: 5 x 0.3 x 8 inches
Weight: 5.8 ounces

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