Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Mich.
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The Burden of Sparrows - Debra Payne

The Burden of Sparrows - Debra Payne


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Book description:

In the tranquil wilderness of Northern Michigan, school custodian Buddy Robertson finds all that he needs: the rhythms of nature, the unpretentious companionship of Mags and their seven cats, solitude from others — and a safe escape from the loss and abuse of his childhood. Buddy would love to keep his quiet existence. But when he comes face-to-face with Ben, a young boy courageously grappling with his own demons, Buddy is inspired to finally deal with his past. In The Burden of Sparrows, author Debra Payne crafts an intimate portrait of one man’s journey to overcome trauma and shame. In the embrace of nature and newfound connections, Buddy discovers love, courage, and human resilience.

  • Publisher : Mission Point Press (April 30, 2024)
  • ISBN : 978-1-961302-42-6 (Softcover)
  • Retail price : $17.95
  • 290 pages
  • 6 x 9 inches

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